Not an Extreme Makeover - Just a Better You

The very idea that there are actually fast ways to lose weight probably fills your mind with terrifying images of  master cleansers & extreme detoxes, gritty fruit juice drinks, tiresome hours at the gym using sweaty equipment or expensive drastic measures; liposuction!
No need to worry, so shake it off because all of those things kind of abrasive and have absolutely no place here. Quick easy tip: it's entirely possible to lose weight quickly without doing anything too extreme, and you can still do it in a healthy way with lasting results to achieve your ultimate body. 
Maintaining your weight over time needs to be done at a steady pace that doesn't shock or tax your system. However, in order to lose the weight you must start somewhere! So why not start to today with a system knowing that It Works!

Recharge Sexual Energy & Stop Blocking Satisfaction

Why are some people naturally magnetic? Are you ready to make a first impressions? Release dormant energy from your entire body and crank up your magnetic love energy.

Stress, Fear and Anxiety Block Satisfying Sex 
When you experience stress, fear or anxiety, sex is usually the last thing on your mind. Work dilemmas, relationship woes, family issues and money problems can be devastating to your libido. It’s hard to feel sexy when you are worried about the mortgage payment. Fear and anxiety associated with sex itself can also be problematic. Worrying about everything from STDs to fear of pregnancy to sexual performance, dampen your sex drive and hampering your chances to have a satisfying sexual experience.

Fear, anxiety and depression about aging can also affect your sex drive. Are you worried about getting older?

Stuck Energy Causes Depression 
According to medical experts, depression is caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals, along with other factors.  Energetically speaking, the root cause of depression stems from foreign energy being stuck in your body. When foreign energy dims and over-shadows your energy, you become de-pressed!

Do you remember being attracted to someone special in your life? You are attracted to someone because you admire something unique about them. You might think they are handsome, funny or even poised. You like how you feel around them. With every passing day, you start to adopt their energy as your own. When this happens, and you don’t release it back to them, your own energy becomes de-pressed and your relationship takes a nose-dive.

Hosting Ain't Easy...

We just do a damn good job at making it look that way. Just kidding, it can be easy. Here are some helpful hints to make any party spectacular!

Holidays are a wonderful time to gather with family and friends to share love and stories. The end of the year is a great time to catch up and share good spirits for the new year ahead. In fact, any time of year is a good excuse to get together with friends and family. If you are choosing to host a holiday party, there are many things to consider.

One of the first things to consider when hosting a holiday party is whether it will be formal, semi-formal or casual. This will affect everything from the invitations, the decorations, to the food. If you choose to host a formal event, the invitations should reflect this with dramatic colors and elegant elements such as ribbon or sparkling designs. For a semi-formal or casual event, choose an invitation that reflects the holiday being celebrated and uses more casual colors and design elements.

Depending on the holiday being celebrated there are a number of holiday party invitations that can be chosen. For winter holiday parties such as Christmas, Thanksgiving or Hanukkah, choose a holiday party invitation that best suits the mood and theme of the holiday party. There are a great number of invitations whether it is a summer time 4th of July party, or a fall Halloween party.

Pre-Feast Easy Guide to not Tip the Scale

Thanksgiving is coming and so are all the delicious main courses, sides and dessert. Being this is one of the best loved holidays of the season, some of us my take a figure concious vaca. From eating juicy cuts of turkey to scrumptious slices of pie...the pounds can add up quickly if you're not paying attention. I love Thanksgiving and the joys it brings with family, friends and food. So here is a little weight loss management "reminder" to eat well but stay on track with maintaining a healthier you.

Does any of the following sound familiar?

You desperately want to lose weight, but you’ve tried so many different diets and failed over the years that you’ve grown discouraged.

Let’s face it, most diets aren’t easy to maintain -- they’re designed to get weight off … not for your personal convenience. And once you go off the diet, the weight comes right back, along with a bit more.  Thus, you end up worse off than before.

Patience is a Virtue..Even in Relationships

We all know that relationships can be difficult. One of the best methods we have for making every relationship less stressful and more enjoyable is to show a little patience.  Patience has been defined as what we lack for the driver in front of us and demand from the driver behind us.

In truth, patience is nothing more than time. And good things come to those who wait...

Time before we say something: Think of a time when someone was not patient with you when you needed them to be. Think of how you felt. Think of how deeply you might have been hurt. The next time you find yourself losing patience with another, take a moment to remind yourself of how you felt when someone had no patience with you. 

Time before moaning and groaning: Patience takes time, but no more time than the showing of anger; of stomping or yelling or whining or complaining. A little patience can often resolve a conflict that a loss of patience will only escalate.

Time to just let things run their course: Arnold H. Glasow said, “The key to everything is patience. You get a chicken by hatching an egg, not by smashing it.” Some things require a certain amount of time. Losing patience only hurts ourselves and won’t speed up the process.
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